A significant factor of a really good and passionate kiss is in the body language and with eyes contact. Most people believe you are expected to close your eyes the entire time you're kissing. This is not always true as I will explain a little later on. Their is so many different opinions on the correct or right way to kiss, but if your expressing yourself with a tender kiss that leads-into a really passionate kiss you can't go wrong.
Kissing is one of the most pleasing moments someone can find themselves in. The kissing process can go in many different directions, so knowing what to do is very important. When you are in a loving relationship, sharing a passionate kiss with your partner is just about the best feeling in the world. When that special kiss takes place, you find your emotions and thoughts in a whole new part of your mind. Kissing can come unexpectedly. You might not know when it’s going to happen, but if you’re prepared it makes all the difference.
Here are a few tips on how to kiss passionately.
1. Butterfly kisses: Kissing along the cheek and then slowly moving your head into a position so that your eyelashes are brushing across their cheek.
2. When kissing have your lips slightly a part and press every so gently against their lips. Slightly angle your head to one side to avoid bumping noses.
3. Kissing isn't confined to lips only. Meaning you don't have to only kiss on the lips to make it passionate. You can kiss other parts of the face and neck. Just remember to relax and don't force the kiss. Let it happen naturally.
4. Now as for your eyes being open or closed just keep them open every so slightly in tell you make actual lip contact. This way you don't completely miss and start kissing their chin or ear. Not that kissing their chin or ear is wrong. In fact great, but the lead in to the lip kiss is just that. Kiss the lips first.
Once you begin kissing keep your eyes closed so that you can get lost in the moment. Have your eyes wide open while kissing can look pretty scary, being that you’re so close to one another. This is not to say you should never open your eyes. Just make sure if you do open your eyes while kissing that your eyes open ever so slightly then slowly closing them again in tell the kiss is finished.
The art of being a passionate kisser is something that should be enjoyable and pleasurable. Kissing will help to keep the romance and relationship on the track towards love. By Learning some wonderful kissing techniques and tips, will most certainly guarantee, that you become a wonderful and passionate kisser.
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